We have designed the onboarding process to ensure that Candidates are fully prepared for their assignments and equipped with all the essential information to perform their functions efficiently and professionally.
The onboarding process includes the following steps:

Pre-Onboarding Requirements
If you are considering hiring a candidate through our agency, there are a few pre-onboarding requirements that need to be met. Please take note of the following:
- Non-Trinidad & Tobago nationals must provide proof of legal permission to work in the country.
- Proof can be a Work Permit authorization, Legal Residency certificate, or CSME Certificate issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad & Tobago
- Advise us if the candidate will be working remotely or at an onsite/office location.
- Let us know if the candidate would be required to work offshore/travel overseas.
Onboarding Checklist
To make the onboarding process smoother, we require the following information and documents from our clients:
Information to be provided about the candidate:
Candidate's Resume
Candidate's Name
Contact Number
Email Address
Job Details:
Name of Company that the Candidate will be working for
Duties and responsibilities of the candidate (Job Description)
Job Title
Commencement Date
Duration of Contract
Salary Details (including all allowances, bonuses, commissions, etc.)
Vacation Leave benefit
Sick Leave benefit
Medical Insurance
Eligibility for overtime pay
What currency the Candidate would be paid in (TT$ or USD)
Whether the candidate will be working remotely or in an office
Whether the candidate will be required to work offshore in Trinidad & Tobago waters
Whether the candidate will be required to travel overseas for the purpose of work, training, attending conferences, seminars, etc., on behalf of the company
Candidate documentation to be provided
Birth Certificate
Picture identification (Trinidad & Tobago National Identification Card or Trinidad & Tobago Biodata page)
Payroll Information:
- Name of Bank
- Address of Bank
- Bank Account Number
- Bank Account Type (Chequing or Savings)
- SWIFT Code (if candidate's salary is to be paid in US Dollars)
- National Insurance Number
- Board of Inland Revenue Number (Taxpayer ID number)
- YTD gross earnings, statutory deductions (PAYE, H/S, NIS)
To learn more about the onboarding process, click here to access our EOR handbook.